
Termination of operation of the Havelka-Žel boarding house. Ore as of 1/10/2022.


We inform all former and current customers and guests of our pension Havelka, Pancířská 406, Žel. Ruda, that from October 1, 2022, the boarding house with accommodation to the public will be completely closed and its operation will be terminated.




The building will continue to be used only for private purposes. At the same time, we would like to thank all our guests for their patronage.


Contact information:, mobile: 602 183 651


Jiří Mareš – owner of the building


Garage doors – Muffin Café – IKO spol. s r.o. buidling company
© 2012 made by Tuto Studio GDPR
Penzion Havelka v Železné Rudě hodnocení